More-Colors.less →
Don't be silly, use LessCSS.
White, black, and grayscale variables for easier color manipulation while designing in the browser.
3D-text.less →
Don't be silly, use LessCSS.
Pretty decent 3D text using LessCSS, CSS3 text-shadows, and just a pinch of Lettering.js.
Coda-SEEStyles →
I love Panic's Coda.
Colorful syntax highlighting for Panic's Coda—the one-window web development app.
Gists on Github →
I love using Github.
A small collection of Gists. So far, just a CSS-only file or file stack icon.
I’m a designer based in Boston, MA, USA. I design and build software, websites, and web apps. Occassionaly illustrate seemingly complex ideas in a simple way. Say hello on Twitter @jasonrobb.